Call us  714 581 5999


CNC Factory offers a wide selection of support services to assist with your daily operations and custom needs.

We love our customers!

CNC Factory offers lifetime technical machine support (via phone & e-mail) for our customers before and after installation. We also provide optional customized software and virtual support for your non-stop production.

Useful Links:
Customer Support Hotline

Phone: (714) 581-5999

Virtual Support

This is a great way for us to be virtually by your side to help navigate a new project or address any issue with your machine. You will need to Create a Tech Ticket so you can send us more info on what you need help with.

Online Knowledge Center

Currently on Beta mode and exclusive for existing customers, our free online database has video tutorials, manuals and answers to your frequently asked questions.

Live Online Training

We can provide you with live, internet-based training via TeamViewer as needed. Online training is billed at $75 per session plus $75 an hour for all support over 60 minutes. To schedule a meeting, simply drop us an email. To prepare for your training, download TeamViewer here.

On-site Training

If you need a CNC Factory technician on your site for support, drop us an email to schedule. On-site training is usually billed at $1,000/day plus all travel expenses.